Saturday, September 7th
Clear Sky - Wind: 9.22 Mph
72.0 °F
Fishing Reports

Lake Ozark Ramp Conditions Video

Daily Fishing Log For February 24, 2021

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date February 24, 2021 Air Temp 48 Current Generation Medium
Fisherman Dave Holbrook Water Temp 48
Hours Fished Sky Cloudy Water Clarity Slightly Stained
Fishing Overall Poor Wind Light
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish

Ramp Video

Fishing Notes

Drove around to PB2, Shawnee Bend, and Coffman to check out the current state of those ramps for upcoming Toyota Series.  See video for conditions as of this report. Stay safe and contact your tournament director for upcoming tournaments

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