Saturday, September 7th
Clear Sky - Wind: 9.22 Mph
72.0 °F
Fishing Reports

Fish Not Fully On Points Yet From Toll Bridge To Gravois

Daily Fishing Log For May 27, 2015

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date May 27, 2015 Air Temp 70's Current Generation Heavy
Fisherman Bob and Wayne Fitzpatrick Water Temp 70-71
Hours Fished 7.00 Sky Sunny Water Clarity Clean
Fishing Overall Fair Wind Light
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
12 3
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Jig Jig and Shaker Head w Yum Dinger
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Green Pumpkin Jig COG Texas Craw Jig

Toll bridge to the Gravois targeting main lake and secondary points in 15′-30′ of water.

Fishing Notes

Today Wayne and I got on the water about 7:30 and fished until about 2:00. We had high expectations to catch some giants on points today considering this is the time of the year that they should be getting there and with the dam drawing a lot of current. We were a bit disappointed. We did not have a lot of big bites or at times a single bite on some pretty good spots that have a lot of history for catching big fish this time of the year with these conditions. We did catch a few keepers and Wayne had a 5 pounder come un buttoned at the boat. We were targeting rough rock on the points in 15′-25′ of water. It seems the fish are not quite there yet on the lower end, but they will be any day now.

Photos of the Day

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