Saturday, September 7th
Clear Sky - Wind: 9.22 Mph
72.0 °F
Fishing Reports

Big Birthday Bass Celebrated On The Water W Son Robbie

Daily Fishing Log For April 9, 2015

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date April 9, 2015 Air Temp 70's Current Generation Heavy
Fisherman Rob and Bob Water Temp 52-60
Hours Fished 6.00 Sky Partly Cloudy Water Clarity Slightly Stained
Fishing Overall Good Wind Strong
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
14 4
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
1 1
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Stick Bait Wiggle Wart, Spinner Bait and Carolina Rig
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Megabass Wakasagi and Pro Blue ll Chartruese/Green Wiggle Wart, Mouse War Eagle Spinner and Super Brush Hog Green Pumpkin C-Rig

Toll bridge to the 9mm of the Osage, targeting main points, secondary points and spawning pockets.

Fishing Notes

Today my awesome son Rob and I celebrated my birthday with a full day on the water. While I was hoping would give up a few choice spots for his old man’s birthday, he did not, instead he caught a 5+ pounder behind me, helping me practice for the FLW BFL this weekend, thanks Rob :). Today we started out fishing some main lake points, sitting on the ledge of bluff ends and throwing the stick bait onto the banks and flats on top of the bluff shelves, we caught a keeper immediately, so we left that spot, because as I practice for the tourney, I am confident that I can get some small keepers on those types of main lake points. Then we moved down the lake and fished a big cove at the 12mm, with only a few shorts, very disappointing as this big cove usually gives up some big ones in the spawning pockets, but not today. So we moved down lake a bit further about the 11-8mm, we went to the backs of some creeks and spawning pockets, I caught a 4+ pounder on a stick bait and the next cove pocket down, Rob caught a 5+ pounder on the stick bait. Rob later caught another keeper close to a main lake point on a stick bait. Overall, it seems the fish are coming shallow, whether from the depths of the main lake channel to shallower ledges or from secondary points to spawning pockets, the fish are in the mood to have some babies!!

Photos of the Day

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