Saturday, September 7th
Clear Sky - Wind: 9.22 Mph
72.0 °F
Fishing Reports

Fair Afternoon On The Lower End

Daily Fishing Log For January 15, 2015

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date January 15, 2015 Air Temp 45-50 Current Generation min
Fisherman Rob and Ben Water Temp 40-40.5
Hours Fished 4.00 Sky sunny Water Clarity clear
Fishing Overall Fair Wind 6-10mph
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
12 3
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Wakasabi mega bass stick bait, Purple and yellow mega bass stick bait
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
wakasabi color mega bass, Purple and yellow

10mm to the Dam, Steady pace on the stick bait, Concrete ramps and big rock, some brush piles

Fishing Notes

Today Ben and i headed to the lower end around 12:30. We were both excited to fish! The last few times we have been out together we were out brushing no fishing!! so its really nice to get a line wet on a beautiful day!! Are afternoon went pretty well catching a number of fish and a few keepers. The fish seemed to be midway back in the creeks still. I noticed that all of our bites came while seeing bait fish around, right now it just seems like a must to have that bait around. We kept the boat in about 25-30 ft deep at all times. Making sure we could still hit the bank and work the baits all the way back to the boat. Today the bites seem to come in all different depths, some were close to the bank, others right next to the boat. I think its important to work that bait all the way back to the boat at this time. We were able to catch bass while working the bait pretty fast in the water, and also while having the bait paused. I hate to say it but i lost another biggin at the boat!! Ben and my eyes lite up when we saw this beast surface, he shook his head at the surface really gingerly and came unbuttoned!! Hope that doesnt happen Saturday at the Bassing Bob Tournament!! All in all Ben and i were pleased with our day, though we didnt slay them it was fun catching some solid fish on the ole stick bait!!!

Photos of the Day

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