Saturday, September 7th
Clear Sky - Wind: 12.66 Mph
73.1 °F
Fishing Reports

Brush Piles And Milk Run With Marcus

Daily Fishing Log For August 28, 2014

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date August 28, 2014 Air Temp 90's Current Generation Light
Fisherman Bob and Marcus Sykora Water Temp 87-89
Hours Fished 5.00 Sky Sunny Water Clarity Slightly Stained - Stained
Fishing Overall Fair Wind Light-Moderate
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Brush Hog and Beaver
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
S. African Black Brush Hog, Grn Pumpkin/Blue Beaver

Mid Lake – Mid River, 26mm to 60mm flipping docks.

Fishing Notes

This morning I started out by sinking 3 more brush piles. Mid morning to mid afternoon, Marcus Sykora, FLW All American Champ, took me on a bit of a fishing milk run from Tan Tara to the 60mm. While we did fish for a bit in some of the areas, the day was more about Marcus pointing out some areas for me to check out over the coming weeks, as I prepare to be a boater in the FLW BFL the end of September. We did stop and fish for an aggregate of about and hour, we had only a few short bites. The big gizzard shad are not on or around some of these docks just yet in that zone, but they should be getting there soon. Marcus is a great friend and quality individual. What wonderful thing for him to do to try to help me out with a potential plan for the BFL. At one point during the afternoon, I had to pinch myself as we came across Dion Hibdon out fishing, another fishing great from LOZ. Here is Marcus and Dion talking about fishing LOZ and about Marcus experience at The Forrest Wood Cup, for which Dion invested his time to sit down with Marcus to help prepare him. What a treat for me an average fisherman.

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