Saturday, September 7th
Clear Sky - Wind: 9.22 Mph
72.0 °F
Fishing Reports

A Couple Of Keepers With Grandson Landen

Daily Fishing Log For July 26, 2014

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date July 26, 2014 Air Temp 90's Current Generation Minimum
Fisherman Bob and Landen Water Temp 84-86
Hours Fished 3.50 Sky Hazy Water Clarity Slightly Stained
Fishing Overall Fair Wind Moderate
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
5 2
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Dirks Heavy Jig and Texas Rigged Worm Same
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Green Pumpkin/Black Jig and Green Pumpkin Worm

Formula Boats cove secondary point, in the no wake area between the Osage and the Glaize also a cove at the 22mm of the Osage fishing secondary points and brush piles.

Fishing Notes

Today my grandon Landen and I fished from about 8:30 – 10:00, then I fished in the afternoon from 12-2. In the morning we fished points and coves in the lower Glaize and then secondary points in the no wake area, I am seeing bait fish mid way to 1/4 of the way back in coves in 10′-20′ of water. The keepers today however came off brush piles on secondary points, one in about 10′ of water and the other in 23′ of water. Short fish were caught along docks mid way back in the coves.

Photos of the Day

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