Saturday, September 7th
Clear Sky - Wind: 9.22 Mph
72.0 °F
Fishing Reports

Tomorrow Is Another Day….

Daily Fishing Log For June 22, 2013

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date June 22, 2013 Air Temp 80-90 Current Generation Heavy
Fisherman Bob Water Temp 79-87
Hours Fished 6.50 Sky Partly Sunny Water Clarity Clear - Stained
Fishing Overall Poor Wind Moderate
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
9 1
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
5/8 oz Shaky Head with Senco 3/4 oz Jig, Deep Diving Crank Bait
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Green Pumpkin Texas Craw Jig, Sexy Shad Crank Bait

Bluff Ends and Points

Fishing Notes

Today was a tough day for me fishing. I fished today in the early AM from 7:30 til about noon, fishing bluff ends at the 11-12mm of the Osage, the fish were there all over the graph, but I just could not stick and good ones. The fish seemed to be a bit higher in the water column than they have been the last few days. In addition to the shaky head and jig, I also threw deep diving crank bait and a white spinner. I caught a couple of short fish on the crank bait. This afternoon I fished from 4PM to 5:30PM on points, pockets and bluffs, but the big boat waves one my battle for fish. I caught a couple of shorts on the jig. Other reports from friends said that they caught good keepers in the dam area on points with a 10″ texas rigged worm, another report of nice fish caught on jig on bluff ends in the Tan Tara area and some keeper caught on points with a texas rigged brush hog I the Niangua.

Photos of the Day

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