Monday, September 16th
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82.9 °F
Fishing Reports

Average Day For Average Fisherman

Daily Fishing Log For June 9, 2013

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date June 9, 2013 Air Temp 55-70 Current Generation Heavy
Fisherman Bob Water Temp 71-77
Hours Fished 7.00 Sky Rain, PC and Sun Water Clarity Clear
Fishing Overall Fair Wind Light
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
19 3
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Crock-o-Gator Head Knocker Buzz Bait and Frog Same
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Black Buzz Bait and Black and Gold Frog Same

Backs of coves, cove banks with laydowns and shallow cover. Fished the river area of the Grand Glaize. Presentation was slow over and around cover.

Fishing Notes

The fish are starting to get on main channel points and long points, as I fished during the late morning to early evening hours, it was too difficult to fish this water today with so much heavy boat traffic. To avoid the boat traffic, I fished the 8MM to 10MM of the Glaize. During the morning there was steady rain for about two hours, this was the time that produced the majority of the fish, fishing the buzz bait around laydowns and other shallow cover. Had several good explosions on the frog behind docks with cover and very shallow cover, but I missed those fish. The best fish of the day a 4 pounder was caught on the buzz bait, paralleling a channel bank with shade.

Photos of the Day

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