Wednesday, September 18th
Clear Sky - Wind: 4.61 Mph
82.6 °F
Fishing Reports

Docks, Brush Piles, Bluff Points….No Pattern At All

Daily Fishing Log For August 3, 2013

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date August 3, 2013 Air Temp 80's Current Generation Light?
Fisherman Bob Water Temp 8-85
Hours Fished 4.50 Sky Partly Sunny Water Clarity Slightly Stained
Fishing Overall Fair Wind Moderate
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
9 3
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
3/4 oz Jig and 10" Plastic Worm Same
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Ozark Craw Jig and Green Pumpkin Worm Same

Bluff end in 25′ of water and 10-12′ brush piles along side of docks fished slowly along bottom and pulling up and down through brush piles.

Fishing Notes

I fished today from 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM. This is a time of choices for bass fishing. Yesterday I concentrated in the shallow end of big coves with bait fish and that produced a good top water bite, which I am sure is still there, if cloudy use top water, if sunny use a square bill crank bait, shaky head with worm or black buzz bait if there is wind. Today, I focused on deeper on structure, brush piles and docks. Although not, stellar results, I did get bit. The keepers came on the bluff ends with a jig worked off of ledges in 15′ – 25′ or water and off brush piles around dock, with brush on the side to top of the dock working the worm through the brush pile.
If you fished lately, please send your fishing report to or post on Bassing Bob forums. We want the LOZ bass fishing community to have as much info as possible to help all anglers. Thanks, Bob

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