Thursday, September 19th
Clear Sky - Wind: 6.91 Mph
75.6 °F
Fishing Reports

Slow Bite In The Afternoon

Daily Fishing Log For August 30, 2013

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date August 30, 2013 Air Temp 95 Current Generation Light
Fisherman Bob Dave Water Temp 90
Hours Fished 3.00 Sky Sunny Water Clarity Slightly Stained
Fishing Overall Poor Wind Moderate
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
10" Ole Monster Worm/ Zoom Fluke
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Green Pumkin Worm Shad fluke

Deep end of condo docks

Fishing Notes

Today was another hot day. We did not get on the water until 2:00 and it was hot. There was a slight breeze that added some chop but would come and go. The fish were all caught on deep ends of condo docks. We tried this yesterday with several short fish but tried some different docks hoping for some larger fish. It was basically a repeat as we caught some and had several hits but all small fish. We fished a cove with about 20 docks and shade. We used jigs and worms but couldn’t get bit. The water temperature was unusually high as the back of some of these coves were 92 degrees. The big bass have been difficult to find the past 2 days in the heat of the day. We have not fished early in the morning or in the evening for a few days. Wednesday night we had our monthly experts meeting. Check out the new videos of this meeting in the video section of the website. Feel free to post your fishing reports on the Bassing Bob forums.

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