Thursday, September 19th
Clear Sky - Wind: 6.91 Mph
75.6 °F
Fishing Reports

Only An Hour Fishing And BFL Results

Daily Fishing Log For September 7, 2013

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date September 7, 2013 Air Temp 92 Current Generation Light
Fisherman Dave Water Temp 88
Hours Fished 1.50 Sky Sunny Water Clarity Stained
Fishing Overall Fair Wind Light
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
5 1
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Zoom Ole Monster/Biffle Hardhead Same
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Green Pumkin

The short fish were caught on the corner of a condo dock. These were hit on the fall.
The keeper was caught between docks in 8 feet of water

Fishing Notes

I did not fish very long as I were covering the BFL Day 1 tournament out of PB2. I fished thoroughly about 6 shallow docks without a bite. I was able to catch a keeper between docks on a secondary point. I had several short fish hit the worm on corner of docks but only manage to hook 4 short fish with this pattern. The bass were hitting on the fall.
Jack Uxa with Jacks Guide Service and Bassing Bob expert was able to manage a 6.14 pounder swimming a swim bait on the deep corner of a condo dock. Jack was using a 4.5 in Berkley Havok when the hawg decided to inhale it. Jack said his boat was in 40 feet of water and swimming the bait just beneath the dock floats.
Jack is an awesome fisherman and a great teacher and guide. He has helped many improve their skills as he has the knowledge and passion for fishing.
Check out Day 1 BFL result and Jack Big Bass in the news section.

Photos of the Day

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