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Fishing Reports

Bed Hunting With The Great Wayne Fitzpatrick

Daily Fishing Log For April 23, 2014

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date April 23, 2014 Air Temp 60's Current Generation Minimum
Fisherman Bob and Wayne Fitzpatrick Water Temp 59-61
Hours Fished 5.00 Sky Mostly Cloudy Water Clarity Clear - Slightly Stained
Fishing Overall Farir - Good Wind Light - Moderate
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
6 5
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
1 2
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
Creature Bait Jig
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
White n Red Green Pumpkin

8mm – 5mm and the Gravois, docks in spawning pockets, presenting bait to bedding fish slowly dragging it from behind the bed onto the bed.

Fishing Notes

Today Wayne and I were mostly searching for bedding bass in the backs of coves and small pockets as we prepare for a tournament on Sunday. We did stop to fish a few of the beds that we found and I simply watched in amazement as Wayne would work a bed for any where from 5 – 15 minutes before the bass would bite. Wayne has got to be one of the very best bed fisherman on this lake. Of the 8 or so beds that we stopped to fish, Wayne eventually got 5 of the bass to bite, all keepers. In reality we probably fished only about 2 hours while the rest of the time was spent searching for bedding bass. While there were not as many bedding bass as we hoped to find, there are several locked on beds and catchable with a lot of patience.

Photos of the Day

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