Friday, July 26th
Clear Sky - Wind: 5.01 Mph
82.7 °F
Fishing Reports

Bueltmann / Verhoef Win Joe Bass!!!!!!!!

Daily Fishing Log For January 31, 2015

General Info Weather / Water Conditions
Date January 31, 2015 Air Temp 30s Current Generation Light
Fisherman Rob and Ben Water Temp 39-40
Hours Fished 8.00 Sky cloudy Water Clarity Clear
Fishing Overall awesome Wind 3-5mph
Fish Caught
Total Bass Caught Total Keepers
25 14
Size/Weight (Pounds)
3 4 5 6+
3 2
Baits Used
Keepers Other Fish
A-Rig , Mega Bass Stick Bait
Bait Colors
Keepers Other Fish
Ito Natural Mega Bass , Table Rock pro Mega Bass

1-8mm Slow, some brush and steep banks

Fishing Notes

Wow!!! what a day Ben and I had. We took off from PB2 at 7:00am and made our long run to the north shore. Ben and i have had some good luck down there the past 3 weeks so our plan was to just keep trying the same banks hoping a big fish would bite this time!! we got to our first spot about 7:30 and caught 2 keepers right away on the mega bass stick baits. Letting that bait sit and slowly fall was the key. We then headed to our next spot picking up two more keepers on the stick bait. So at this time we had 4 fish in the box and only an hour has expired in the tourney. The bite really slowed from 9-11 oclock. We still has our four fish from the morning and we were struggling to get bites, so i picked up the a-rig even though im not a big fan of it and threw it in a brush pile and bang! a 3.5 pounder nailed it. That gave us our 5th keeper. From that point on the bite got hot!! picking up multiple keepers on both a rig and stick baits. By 2:25 i knew we had a contending sack of fish but we really needed one more big one to cull out a little 2 pounder. I’m not kidding you guys on my very last cast before heading all the way back to PB2 i caught a 4.48 on an a rig out of a brush pile!!! we threw that little guy out and slammed the big one in the box and headed to weigh ins. I knew we had a good bag but due to all the great fisherman on this lake i was unsure if we would even get a check!! But we did!! we ended up winning with a weight of 18.08. Alot of hard work that Ben and i have put in really paid off!!

Photos of the Day

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